Dark Nights and Silhouette's

"And the only time I got to see your soul was when it silhouetted against the sky..."


I stay up late at night counting sheep and thinking about all the times I wish I could of counted on you instead. 

I must of wished upon the wrong stars because none of my wishes were granted.. Or perhaps they were the right stars but my wishes were wrong so they spared me.. But what different does it make if what I want for me is wrong or right, that doesn't make me want it any less. 

I need to stop falling in love with the mysterious because it's way too complicated to fall out of it when you don't know exactly what tripped you to begin with.  

I stay up late at night and try to decipher how someone so dead inside could make me feel so alive. See, the thing is you're no different... yet somehow, you made me feel different. 

I stay up late at night over-thinking and analyzing how a person can lose someone who was never theirs to begin with. I've come to realize that I will never understand why some tragic endings come before and prevent a beautiful beginning. 

I stay up late at night and think about the times we talked about joy and pain and how rarely human's learn from joy. You said you'd teach me many lessons, and that you'd make me cry.. but never so much so that my eye's would lose their sparkle. 

I stay up late at night and when it's the darkest outside and inside I close my eyes and free write about you. I wake up every morning and run to the mirror just to make sure my eyes still glisten... and they do, but only on the nights that I write about you.