Still learning

Still learning how to catch butterflies without killing them in the mere attempt. 

Still learning how to give, but not give it all. 

Still learning how to get my point across without saying too much. 

Still learning how to smell the roses while avoiding its thorns. 

Still learning how to differentiate my friends from my enemies.

Still learning how to differentiate what's real and what's not. 

Still learning the difference between love and lust. 

Still learning how to touch people without using hands. 

Still learning how to talk without using my mouth. 

Still learning how to let go of what's no good for me. 

Still learning how it is possible to miss a person who's right in front of you. 

Still learning that some fires will burn a lifetime while some will cease to exist before they even spark. 

Still learning how to accept the things I can't change. 

Still learning how to not respond to things people only say to illicit reactions. 

Still learning how to make something positive out of the negative

Still learning to learn my lessons the first time around. 

Still learning that some lessons will never be learned. 

But thankfully I'm still young, and I have time...

To learn from life, you, and all of my surroundings.