Bucket List

  1. See Bodies: The Exhibition 
  2. Learn how to dance Tango 
  3. ​Ride top down in a convertible with a cute boy while listening to our favorite songs
  4. ​Find a muse 
  5. Get a masters in physics 
  6. Go rock climbing ​
  7. Ride a mechanical bull 
  8. ​Have a tank full of Jelly fishes in my living room
  9. Fill up a whole journal with random writings ​
  10. Go to one of the world cup games ​
  11. Travel and visit as many places as possible ​
  12. Be genuinely happy
  13. ​Go on a road trip 
  14. Go camping (in my back yard in a tent) ​
  15. Experience an OBE
  16. Volunteer at a hospice center ​
  17. Save lots of lives ​
  18. Go on romantic getaway ​
  19. Visit a castle in England
  20. Go skinny dipping in a river ​
  21. Swing from a rope into a lake ​
  22. Take cooking lessons in Italy ​
  23. Ride in a hot air balloon ​
  24. Visit NYC for the holidays
  25. Create and bury a time capsule ​
  26. Throw a drink at someones face
  27. See the sunrise and the sunset on the beach on the same day ​
  28. ​Go to the top of the Eiffel tower
  29. Fall in love with someone who is in love with me ​
  30. Go to the venice carnival ​
  31. Buy a house ​
  32. Have kids ​
  33. Make a scrap book ​
  34. Go to a masquerade party ​
  35. Attend a polo match ​
  36. Have a real pillow fight ​
  37. See the northern lights ​
  38. Kiss in the rain
  39. Kiss at the top of a ferris wheel ​
  40. Sing Karaoke for a cute boy ​
  41. Smile a lot ​
  42. Start a collection of souvenirs of places I've visited  ​
  43. decorate and design my place ​
  44. Be happy with myself ​
  45. Be spontaneous ​
  46. Be someone's world
  47. Have a food fight ​
  48. Cook pancakes naked ​
  49. Cook anything naked ​
  50. ​Shower with someone