Kindred Soul


I want a soul mate who can sit me down, shut me up, tell me ten things I don't already know, and make me laugh. One who can make sense out of my insanity, will argue with me and tell me I'm wrong, whenever I am. One who can make me put down my books and pen for a while and engages me in endless and pointless conversation. A being who would find comfort in sitting in an empty white room with me.  Must be able to stimulate my mind. One who l can make go insane and that will hopefully bring out what ever sanity is left within me. On who can tell me what inspires and makes them thrive in hopes that it too, will cause a change in me...  I'll eagerly listen to what you like, what makes you mad, and what thoughts keep you up at night. Tell me, what pinnacles do you want to reach? Do you want to live in the city or maybe one day move out to the suburbs? Do you ever see yourself moving to Seattle? Tell me how you like your coffee and eggs in the morning so that I can cater to you. I don't care what you look like as long as I can get lost by looking into your eyes and you turn me on. And if you can do that I'll walk on fire, if I have to. I'll travel the world and it's seven seas, if I must do so. I will write about you and to you. I just need you to have something in there. I beg of you to have something in there. I hope you have something in there. Something worth all these sleepless nights where I've laid tossing and turning, my mind consumed with thoughts of one day standing right before your eyes....