Pull out a chair
and take a seat.
Yes, right there.
Positioned perfectly between my conscious and subconscious;
You have the best seat in the house.
The thought of you gets me through the day
only to keep me up all night...
Your energy powers all of my impulses.
Who needs neurotransmitters when there's a being like you
creeping in the abyss of my mind.
Your presence floods my CNS with Endorphins
and I can feel my vesicles releasing serotonin.
I feel butterflies in my stomach,
and my brain can't help but smile.
You distort my senses.
You must be sitting right on my cerebrum
because you're the only one I see.
Stay a while.
For as long as you please.
Or just long enough to put me at ease.
Ease this troubled soul that's waited eternity.
Eternity and a day, for someone like you.
You're a dream I see with my eyes wide open...
I want to dream about you while I lay beside you.
Only to wake up and turn those dreams into reality.
Pull the chair out.
Take a seat.
Remain seated until my heartbeat comes to a complete stop.