Proceed with Caution
How did we get here?
Was there a fork in the road?
Did i miss read all the turning signals?
Perhaps one of us took a wrong turn some where along the journey and figured it out when there was no turning back.
..maybe if I drive down this road with tunneled vision I'll be able to find a path that leads me back to you...
But am I willing to go down the road that leads me to you?
I don't know honey,
I might be too far gone....
It seems like every time I take the turn that will lead me to you,
you speed up and I'm left following your fumes..
And that only makes it harder for me to make it to you.
So if you want me to make it to you,
why do you make it so hard?
It's all mixed signals,
until there's no signals.
Green light,
Yellow light,
Red light,
Proceed with caution,
Perhaps I'm just speeding and your tempo is speed limit.
I should probably slow down my pace.
Looking through the rear view mirror I see a dark road of uncertainties, previously traveled.. yet ahead, I see unknown foggy grounds.
I'll just hold on to the steering wheel with comforting music blasting through the speakers and hope that if the road signs are clear enough, I'll make it to the right destination in a timely manner.