Loud Brain with a Quiet Mouth

you write so beautifully.. the inside of your head must be a terrible place..

why, yes.. yes it is.
it's home to a million and one ideas that have yet to be thought.
it's home to a thousand thoughts processed minute after minute, analyzing, and over analyzing.
from the inside my mind is constantly making what it can from the world outside.
i think too much... but i much rather think too much than not think enough. people will tell you that you're over analyzing things like that's a bad thing. there's no such thing as thinking too much. there's no wrong in analyzing things from 10 different points of views. most people, they just don't think enough. no they don't think enough. so they'll sabotage your mind because y'all don't think a like. but there's nothing wrong with that. you can think a bit, think a lot, or not think at all. it's all up to you... after all it is your mind. think what you want. think as much as you want. but don't say everything you think out loud. you have to run your thoughts through filters before sharing them with the public. master that skill. you're a slave to the words you say. shelter your thoughts, they belong to you, and only you, until the moment that you open your mouth. always make sure your brain is 10x louder than your mouth. always.