
i like the way your shadow silhouettes against my floor to ceiling windows.

i need to stop making love to the man in the shadows... especially when i have you right in front of me.

have i ever told you that you're beautiful?

god dam, i can't say that enough. 

when was the last time you looked in the mirror?

when was the last time the man in the mirror was able to look back at you?

regardless, you are beautiful. 

i know that i don't say that enough. 

i know that i don't make you feel that enough. 

forgive me, for i never know which version of you to love, adore, and praise. 

forgive me, for i never know which one of your faces to kiss. 

right now i'm in bed and i'm unsure which you is beside me. 

but i still want you.

which ever you, you really are ...