The Perfect Enemy
The kisses that you place on my lips silence the roars of the outside world. Your kisses are laced with amnesia and they tend to make me forget that you are.... the enemy. When it gets quiet outside, I can hear what's on your insides, nothing..... But your kiss.. it still rids me of my common sense. And i'm left feeling so.. numb.. and powerless. I find myself caught in a world of illusion; In which you've led me to believe that: I can't beat you, so I might as well join you. So i sleep.. with you.. the enemy. Convinced that we can form some type of truce. Perhaps, i can find peace in the emptiness inside of you ... And perhaps, you can make something out of the meaningless chaos that's within me... It's crazy, I know.... But your kiss has led me to believe it; Because when you kiss me I forget that you are... The enemy. The way our tongues twist has me fooled... It's lead me to believe that we can make some type of truce in which both of us can win.. But we can't.... So you kiss me... Again.. and Again.. Almost as if to remind me that you rather be the perfect enemy than the inadequate lover.... And as soon as i come to grips with myself and come to realize that.. You just kiss me again... And i forget everything, all over again... I let myself get caught in this world of illusion... Because your kiss makes me forget.. and I never really know which one you are.. Some days you're the perfect enemy.. Others you're just the lousy lover.