Saving the Villain
"Because sometime's the villain is the one that needs saving..."
Here's my hand.. can you reach it?
.... If I offer it to you, promise to take only as much as I'm willingly giving.
How can somebody find peace within someone else's pieces?
Guess it scares you....
To be approached by someone who's willing to offer their help, even when they know that you're helpless, and that they will be the one needing the help in the end.
You're used to the challenge, the walls that people build around themselves to keep someone like you out and away.
Never been afraid of the pain, the hurt, or the tears that someone like you can bring about....
Never been afraid of falling and breaking in attempts to fix what clearly is broken......
I could build an empire out of my very own scraps and left over pieces.
... But I guess, I've just made it too easy....
... And you're afraid of what can happen along the way....
You're used to being the villain...
Yet, you need more saving than I ever will.
It's easy to be the villain.
You've let yourself get carried away in this role that you play...
Where you choose to inflict pain because you're afraid of pain being inflicted on to you.
I get it....
It's a cold, cold world... which has made it far too easy for you to blend in.
But what would be of this world if the evils of humanity blinded us to their possible good?
There's got to be villains for heroes to exist.
I'd like to believe there's good in every evil.
How many times have we failed to help the villain?
Surely, the victim needs help, but the villain does too.
Cause so many times the bad one has been deprived of so much good...
bad is all they know.
bad is all they can do.
You're so busy deceiving in order not to be deceived.
One can only trust, in hopes to be trusted in return..
As in, maybe if I show you some good,
You will be good.
I say,
Aid the villain...
Place the weapon in their hand,
and hope that they don't use it on you, but rather on some other evil up to no good.
Two negatives never make a positive in the real world...
One can only hope to cope with the negatives by staying positive.
One can only hope to be good... and have good reciprocated.
If we were all villains...... Heroes wouldn't be needed.