Help Me Self Destruct
I know what you want to hear... But it's not what I have to say....
I'm still going to say it anyways...
You still won't listen anyways....
What are you doing here?
Other than seeking refuge from your self destructing ways.....
You say I'm your main source of destruction...
"Your favorite source of destruction"...
"Your gift and your curse"......
"Your muse and your demise".....
Deadly...... yet, the purest form of life.
I wish I knew my limits when it came to you...
I can never get enough of you...
I can never give you enough of me...
And all the times you could've gotten away, you opted to stay.
You built a home in these flames...
And when it burnt away everything that you were, you blamed me for the little that remained.
Like I was the only one to blame....
You say I'm your destruction...
But I know you're here seeking refuge from your self destructing ways..
You say I'm your favorite source of destruction...
But I know you're here for me to numb the pain.
I am the gift and the curse.
The muse and the demise.
Deadly.... yet the purest form of life.
But self destruction is the only life you know....
So inevitably, I destroy you, anyways.