blood on the leaves


there's blood on the leaves. 

i fantasize about telling you no, about moving forward with no regards to what's left behind but the consequences don't outweigh the rewards and im always left wanting more. more. more. more of you 

"i heard you moved on?"

of course i did, im always in the process of moving forward but it seems like i always have a foot up front and the other just lags in the past .... so if the opportunity ever arises where a road leads me to you, i never hesitate to come back.  back. back. back to you. 

im here now. 

and not for long so why do you insist on asking me about the route i took and insist to inquire about the scenery. 

there was blood. blood. blood. blood on the leaves. 

 what else do you want to know? 

i got nothing left to tell.  

i got nothing left to give.  

what's left of me that doesn't belong to you? 

nothing. not a damn piece because to date the rewards still out weight the consequences....but one day they won't, and that will be the day that i tell you "no, that's enough, it's time for me to leave. enough is enough. i'm tired of spilling blood. there's too much blood on the leaves".