the self.
when are you yourself?
who you are when you're alone with nobody around.... with nothing around.
who are you when you don't have to act, the second you put the script down. what role do you play alone in the dark ? when you run out of ink, when you power off the 808, when you're not behind the lens, when you run out of thread, when you can't escape your solitude: when it's just you by yourself, who do you become?
the darkness, the silence, the emptiness: it either fills you or it drains you.
your solitude, is it enough company? are you good company? when you drain your soul, when you eliminate all the factors that are temporary, does that cause you inner turmoil? does it conflict you to be left alone with yourself? can you be by yourself? do you know what that's like? will you ever know what that's like?
how can you possibly ever know what it's like to be human if you keep depending on other humans. how can you possibly ever know what it is that makes you your own human if you never even gave yourself the time and space for self exploration, self indulgence, self acceptance.