sensory recognition.
the tip of your fingers trace their way down my spine and i feel you feel my essence.
there's this feeling of familiarity that lingers always somewhere between us.
i have memorized the symmetry of your face and i have came to accept that your body language is my favorite tongue.
your eyes stare deep into mine and in their glare i can see my reflection, and i'm in love with that woman: the woman that i've become directly and indirectly by your side.
your love moves me. it holds me. it's changed me.
in those moments when you hold me and we lay chest to chest rejoicing in the victory of our defeat- succumbed to our most inner and deepest desires, man to woman/ woman to man, i swear the earth stops there.
i'm in sync with you and in touch with myself.
i feel you at my fingertips and within all its realism i feel surreal. but ive never felt more humane.
your extraterrestrial familiarity.
your familiar face is my familiar place.
could it be that in this time and space you are my person, my kindred spirit, my soul mate.
energy doesnt lie.
-connection established.