writers block.
pardon my manners i know it ain't lady like to drink straight out the bottle.
listen, this life shit ain't always aesthetical for the one who's caught living it..... and, that's some shit i probably shouldn't say.
but, i don't fear the words i got out on the paper because those were the ones that i freed, and let escape; the ones that didn't make it out, those are the ones who haunt and taunt.
i'm just a null girl who got handed a vessel with a decent ass.... but my insides are hollow and sometimes that makes me come off shallow.
and i can't break down the psychology in that. what would be the fun in that..... Freuds theories have been discredited so don't flatter yourself if you ever get to thinking you got it figured out.
we're all caught within our own viscous cycles and just when we think we've finally broken free, the vortex just sucks us back in. you're not any different and you won't make it out alive either.
dont read in to it too much.... believe me i look better on paper, always.