A life with no clocks.. Yes, lets empty out our hourglass. Fuck time. Who needs time? What good is time? Time is no good. It always feels like I have to play with time. Am I on time? Am I too late? Do I still have more time? Imagine that. A life with no regards to time. Timing is a bitch. How many times has the situation been perfect but not the timing? 76.8% of the time, time is not right. See what I did there? Imagine waking up and not having to look at the digital clock on your night stand or the mega pixels on the screen of your iPhone. You stretch, fix yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal and do what ever you want to because time is not of the essence. Who even decided to count seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years? Like "Hey fellow citizens of planet earth. We need to start keeping track of "time". Yes, we need to form a system that lets us keep track of how far into our lives we are." WHY was the concept of time invented. WHAT is the purpose of keeping time? I'd be a much happier human being if I could just keep track of "time" by counting sunsets and sunrises. It's so much more simple. I'd go to sleep every night and think <YES, only three more sunsets until I get to see my honey's beautiful face.> instead of <only ten more fucking years, two hundred and fifty three days, seventy two hours, and forty five seconds until i get my life together and can consider sharing it with someone> Okay I'm exaggerating. I know how into time everyone is now a days because we are responsible. Surely, anyone successful is great at managing their time. I'm pretty great at managing mine, too. It's just a though.. how amazing would it be if we could still go about our daily activities with no regards to the system we've set up to keep track of time. Next weekend I'm living life without a watch! Going to experiment and see how it goes.