playing multi-Player games solo


you come and go, 

but you're sure to go every time you do come. 

you heal and you cut, 

but you cut more than you do heal.

and the scar tissue never does get to form because all of my wounds you love to reopen.

you tell more than you show,

and what ever you tell, you rarely ever do show.

you'll whisper the truth and yell the lie.  

you'll tell me what you think i want to hear before you tell me what you feel.

"i can't handle the truth"...

or maybe you just can't handle speaking the truth? 

i read between the lines and have selective hearing. 

every lie needs a believer.

every truth needs a listener.  

what's a lie without a believer? 

what's the truth without a listener?  

i'm a good listener... just not a fan of half truths.

i'm a firm believer.... of what can be proved. 

you're a pretty lie.... i never really fully believed.  

you're truly a fool... entertaining to watch.  

you're playing multi-player games solo. 

no one wants to play love games with a cheater, baby  

no one wants to believe lies, baby  

no one wants to hear half truths, baby