
And I learned; Through you I learned. I learned about patience, and the toll it can take on a person to patiently wait. Patiently wait for the unknown. I learned that some battles are pointless to fight- especially the one's who's outcome have been decided before-hand. I learned that at times, a person is so focused on a specific aspect of the future that they neglect the present. I learned that at times people let their emotions get the best of them and say things they "don't mean". Those things that they "don't mean" are cruel words that disguise their underlying fears. I learned that many times people don't understand or can't relate because you don't give them the chance to. I learned that many times silence is the best answer. I also learned that sometimes silence is the only answer, because there's no way of proving that I'm not from Venus and you're not from Mars. We truly only are as different as you've made us out to be.. and I'm only as non understanding as you've allowed yourself to understand.
