Partial Truths and Half Lies
When was the last time you felt alive? Caught in a world of partial truths and half lies... Where everyone's a victim of their own crimes... What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.... I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive.
Are you alive? To be alive and to live are two different things.
Media feeds us stories about people getting lost in life in the process of living- victims of their own surroundings.... all this self-inflicted harm, no weapons.
Everyone wants to be different... in that, we are all the same.
Cause we all share these partial truths and half lies.
You don't have to bleed to die.
Yes, you are breathing, but are you alive?
So many people fall victim to their own circumstances.
Partial truths and half lies....
that we tell ourselves and the people that surround us... just to feel alive.
But are we really living, or just caught in the process?
Are we just another victim of this world and all of it's surroundings...?
Because we are all the same, just trying to be different.
But if we were all different, that would mean we were all the same...?
And if we were all the same... what would be the point of being different?
Look in the mirror and tell me do you see your true reflection?
140 characters have you characterless....
1,000 likes have you unlikeable...
but you're just a product of your own creation... self annihilation.