Tick Tock
It's always me against the clock...
Tick after tick, it's hands pierce deeper into your insides... and all of your hope spills out.
I know I said I wouldn't but that was back then, when I knew that I shouldn't....
But what I should do and what I actually do always seem to get mixed up, some how.
Mixing substances in attempt to decipher all these mixed signals and criss-crossed destiny's that seem to lead me further away from where I should be, and closer to what I don't need....
I know I don't need this but I still want it.
So once again, it's me against the clock.....
And you just always seem to get caught in the middle some how.
You get caught in the middle some how.
Caught between what I'm going to do and what I really should do.
And I know you have the most to say.....But I want to hear the least of it ........
Because I'm going to do the opposite, anyways.
It's me against the clock.....
And as the sand slips through the hour glass I feel myself slip through your fingers.
Your visions of what I should do and what I'm really going to do never match up.
None of my stories ever add up.
And even when all that's left to do is subtract me....
You just let it build up.
I never meant for you to get caught in between.
Caught between the ticks, minutes, and hours of low self-esteem and indecisiveness.
And in your head you planned to show me what I needed and hope'd that I'd want it...
But I always knew what I needed...
What I needed was never what I wanted, and what I wanted, I never needed... stil, l wanted it anyways.
I still had to have it anyways.
So it's me against the clock trying to get it, by any means, anyway.