Deep Shit

the moment right before reality transcends into dreaming .... the millisecond before confusion, when we are both still lucid ... 

the moment before my lips touch yours, before our clothes fall to the floor, right before our souls make or fail to connect...

the moment before fate and karma take matters into their own hands, and blow shit out of proportion, and things stop making sense... 

tell me, what do you call that frame of time? 

the moment when something great is developing, but you're still unsure if you're about to witness a catastrophic disaster or a miraculous blessing... 

tell me, what do you call the moment in time when you're ready to be ripped into pieces in order to find the piece that will make you whole. 

define that moment for me.

the moment of clear uncertainty,  where mystery either fuels or drains us of our courage. 

it is in that moment that we discover that we aren't meant for everyone we'd like to belong to. 

love is a war fought in our souls in which compatability is the enemy, time and environment cause casualties, and the desired outcome is always arbitrary; because half the time, neither side knows what the fuck they are fighting for. 

how seldomly in life do we find someone who is willing to defy the odds, say "fuck you" to the impossibilities and obstacles that life sets, and is willing to temp fate with you- hand in hand...?

as seldom as two souls connect in that moment of inbetween's, mystery, and pre-catastrophe.