you and me; a series of "almost's"


tell me do you ever wish we would of met at a different time... 

i wish i would of met you when i was still kind, naive, with a heart full of dreams. 

i wish I would of met you before you became jaded, back when you were still a bad liar, when you had no agenda, and had the freedom to still do things your way. 

i pride myself on my self awareness, my ability to interpret my surroundings, my independence, and my selfish selflessness. 

you pride yourself on your detachment, your solitude, the awards on your wall, the name that you have made for yourself. 

looking back at where we come from and looking ahead at what's to come, who have we become?

who did we let rob us of ourselves? and in exchange for what?....

they won. 

 all these years, all these people, all these places, all these feelings, all these substances.... 

the truths, the lies, the victories, the defeats, the tears, the smiles, the remembered, and the forgotten.... 

me, and you: a series of "almost's" 

all of me: the pieces that i've lost, edited, and have given away.... and the little that remains now: and I, torn between what to save for you tomorrow, and what i need to get through today.   

i wish you were a better liar,  

i wish i was more gullable, and i could still believe you every time you say this time, we will get it right...