for the sake of the art

i don't usually do this, but this is what i usually say because that's what is usually expected, and that's just the way these things usually go. this time around, i want for things to be different because im tired of reliving experiences with minor detail changes, they all have drastic major endings, and it's time i put an end to it. so, before our beginning, and before the complications, let's, if even for a second, enjoy the simplicity, and the taste of this reciprocated and untainted notions, we have for one another... one day you'll just be one of the others; and i'll be here, hoping i've found the one in another... it's too early on for me to be feeling like i'm already too late, but i was in too deep by the time i realized it might be best to keep it shallow. i always do this even though i swear that i won't ever again, that's  just the way that these things go. you should go before you come and you find yourself wanting to stay to build with someone who's in a constant battle to destroy for the sake of creation... but if you don't want to go and you just want to come, it's best that you know that this is just for the sake of the art and as a creative  individual i will just find ways to artistically fuck you up. with all that said and all that's been done, keep in mind that the experience will be memorable, even though at some point you'll just want to forget it, but by then, i hope my impact on you has led you to the realization that pleasure is seldomly ever, not accompanied by pain. by then, I hope that we would've already created more than could be destroyed in one lifetime. by then, i hope you can look back at the art, and remember your cause..... because the effect you've had on me, will forever be reflected in me and my art.  

for the sake of the art, he is art. he-art. you'll forever be art in my heart.