messages i was unable to hit the send button on. 10/13/14 @0558

everything is spinning. how did i end up in the UK?shouldve checked the fucking Louis, i'm out here with too much baggage... lol, control?"im all out of it".... since we're being honest, and these flights are the only thing left that's private...  i'm just getting started, keep the cups coming. this money seems to be the only thing i have in abundance, and it always ends up getting me in some kind of trouble..... so it comes in handy that i'm surrounded by solutions, mix them all until my drink turns pink. coloring my life now, trying to get myself out of this gray area that you left me in. go ahead and fucking judge me for coloring out of the lines if you deam it necessary. you and your necessities, sick and tired of your psychopathetic tendencies, so spare me of the lectures, ive already learned the lesson... but the consequences don't out weight the rewards so believe me when i tell you that I'm in control of the uncontrollable; or don't, i could give a fuck less and you haven't seen me angry, yet. what, you're the only one allowed to express emotions? try to deny it, so that we can further discuss the fact that assaulting me at the clubs i attend isn't the way to press issues. come on now, you didn't actually think that you could tie up all the lose ends by holding me tight, did you? wish you would've realized how aware I was of your unawareness before i had to cut ties. wish i didn't have to bring up shit from the past. remember when you said "this is the last last", yeah, well we had four beginnings after that... and when things went south between us because your career was headed north, and you had to focus on the music you tried to pin it all on me and my new interest over seas...  and at that point, I wasn't even the only one you were seeing, so who's really got the nerves? every time my hand slips, it cuts throats. bet you didn't know that metaphors could hurt before me. bet you didn't know poetry could kill til just now. aren't you signed now? yeah, i'm still dodging headlines so quit attempting to open back up old wounds just so that you can dig your quill pen in them and use my blood as ink... you have to find yourself a new source of inspiration and explore another form of self expression, because i'm done plucking feathers and letting you rob me of pieces of me that aren't up for the taking. as if dealing with the aftermath isn't enough, now you want to drop by when ever you deem appropriate and leave me alone to deal with the collateral damage. I'm sick and tired of cleaning up your messes and catching heat with how i decide to cope with the damage. do you not see me transitioning, what is it, are you just mad that i've evolved past your bullshit? are you that blind as to not see that you're your worst enemy and that its just you vs you in the ring and I quit refereeing a thousand fights ago. quit provoking me, i hate stupping down to your level just to show you that we're still not seeing eye to eye and that i'm just seeing past you. everything is spinning but my decision is set in stone.... i'm in control and no longer willing to let you control me.... so if that makes me uncontrollable, so be it... i'm the writer of my own story now, and you're no longer a character, so juss know that these are the last characters i'm wasting on you.